英文生子祝福语 Congratulations on the birth of your son. 恭喜你们喜得贵子。 Congratulations on the arrival of your baby. 恭贺小生命的降生。 We are wishing you joy and wonder and a little sleep. 我们愿你快乐、喜悦并且稍作休息。 Feeling proud and happy? You have the right to be with you brandnew baby boy. 觉得骄傲、快乐吗?有了新的小宝宝,你有权这么做的。 We are sending a little gift for your new arrival. 我们寄上一份薄礼,给你们新诞生的小宝宝。英文祝福语 We can't believe that you are now a father. Congratulations. 真不敢相信你做爸爸了。恭喜。 I can't wait to see your new son! 我等不及要看你的新生儿。 We bid a warm welcome to your new baby. 我们热情欢迎你的小宝宝。 Warm congratulations on your new baby boy. 衷心祝福新诞生的小男孩。
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