万圣节英文祝福短信大全 Hope your Halloween is masked with spooky fun ... just as mine. Thank you for your very special wish. Happy Halloween! Thank you for making my Halloween so special. I heard today is Halloween, ah, street Dance Macabre, remember to go home early, entered the room door leash, do not run around at night, point to go to bed on time, before going to bed to my message! Happy Halloween! 听说今天是鬼节啊,大街上群魔乱舞,记得早早回家,进屋把门拴好,半夜不要乱跑,到点准时上床,睡前给我短信!万圣节快乐! Halloween launch my company, I am proud of my Buffy, I am proud of my carnival activities, fun Halloween activities is a good friend to you this sentence shout three hundred times. 万圣节期间我公司正式推出,我捉鬼我自豪,我狂欢我骄傲活动,活动内容是将万圣节快乐这句话对你的好朋友大声喊三百遍。情人节短信 Thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! Happy Halloween! Your smile lights up our world! Wishing you a Halloween bright and glow! Today is Halloween, I heard that there are many ghosts in the street, a large male ghost ghost ghost kid, so remember to go home early, around the house door is good. 今天是万圣节,听说会有很多鬼在街上,大鬼小鬼男鬼女鬼,早点回家,把家门锁好…… Halloween night to bring A and B to install a ghost mask, said he would install a scary evil to, B said he was going to install the ghost to seduce people, because he saw a goat being read messages. 万圣节的夜晚甲和乙带上面具去装鬼,甲说他要装恶鬼去吓人,乙说他要去装女鬼去勾引人,因为他看到一个色鬼正在阅读短信。 Wind through the streets of fallen leaves, ushered in the light of the pace of a group of devil, let us tonight Dance Macabre, Ghost Talk it! Happy Halloween! 风吹过街上的落叶,迎来一群步伐轻盈的小鬼,让我们在今夜群魔乱舞、鬼话连篇吧!万圣节快乐!生子祝福短信 I wish Halloween night, you and your friends, over the pros and cons scream from the brown, dead flies living together surprised. Happy Halloween! 祝万圣节的夜晚,你和你的朋友们,过得失声尖叫起鸡皮,过得死人活人一起吓一跳。万圣节快乐!
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