天津市五大道导游词 篇1
天津市五大道导游词 篇2
What we are going to visit today is the Fifth Avenue, which is synonymouswith the small western style building in Tianjin. Speaking of small westernstyle buildings, there are many in Shanghai, Qingdao, Xiamen and Wuhan. But bycomparison, the small western style buildings in Tianjin are the most existing,the best preserved and the most concentrated. From 1860 to 1903, Britain,France, the United States and other Western powers forced the Qing government tosign unequal treaties one after another. Since then, Tianjin was divided by thenine powers. They set up concessions on Chinese land. The most concentrated andlargest area of small foreign buildings was the five main roads of the Britishconcession. According to statistics, there are more than 300 old residences andbuildings of famous people in this area. Compared with other areas, they aresecond to none in terms of regional area, number of cultural relics and moderncelebrity relics.
Five Avenue refers to the rectangular section located in the south ofChengdu Road, north of Machang Road, east of Xikang Road, west of Machang roadand Nanjing Road, Heping District, Tianjin. There are 22 roads with a totallength of 17 kilometers and an area of 1.28 square kilometers.
OK, here we are. I would like to remind you that you must pay attention tosafety and take good care of your belongings. When you get off, please wear thelogo of our travel agency so that you can identify each other. Our license platenumber is Jin a1234. On your right hand side, you can see Tianjin Institute offoreign languages. Our car is parked at the gate of the outer courtyard. Pleaseremember our parking location, take your belongings and get off together.
The place we are standing now is Racecourse Road, the longest of the fivemain roads. It is 3216 meters in length. It is named after the racecourseleading to the British concession. It was once a busy road with officials anddignitaries gathering and crisscrossing. The only French building on Machangroad is Tianjin Institute of foreign languages. It was founded in 1920. Itspredecessor is Tianjin University of technology and industry. It was also thepredecessor of Beijiang Museum and Tianjin Museum of nature. We can see that thebig clock on the front of its main building fully reflects the French Romanarchitectural style. Next to it is the first small western style building on theFifth Avenue and the only Spanish style villa.
OK, let's go on, turn left along Racecourse Road, and we come to Chongqingroad. Now what you see is the only palace on the Fifth Avenue - qingwangfu. Theso-called palace is where the LORD lives. But there is no royal master inTianjin, where is the royal residence? The predecessor of Qing Royal residencewas originally the residence of Xiao Dezhang, the last eunuch in charge in thelate Qing Dynasty. In 1924, Feng Yuxiang launched a coup to drive Puyi out ofthe Forbidden City. Zaizhen, the fourth generation of Heshuo Prince of QingDynasty, also moved to Tianjin from qingwangfu in Beijing. In order to find apeaceful residence in Tianjin, Zaizhen chose xiaodezhang's courtyard andexchanged it with a lot of money, land and real estate.
Now follow me in.
I have just said that King Qing's mansion was the residence of XiaoDezhang, the last eunuch in charge in the late Qing Dynasty. Then why did XiaoDezhang Hui build a mansion here? Xiao Dezhang was the eunuch favored by the oldBuddha after Li Lianying, and many officials would flatter him. Xiao Dezhang wasfrom Jinghai, Tianjin. After the Qing Dynasty stepped down, he brought a lot ofproperty with his family back to his hometown to buy this house And designed andbuilt by ourselves. Now what you see is a three story building with acombination of Chinese and Western brick and wood structure. First of all, lookat the steps in front of you. Count how many steps there are. You should knowthat every step in the Imperial Palace in Beijing is 9 or a multiple of 9, andthe place where the emperor lives is the Forbidden City with 999 steps. Theso-called heaven has nine weights, and the emperor is the son of heaven,
The Imperial Palace was ordered by heaven to rule the world. Therefore, thebuildings in the Forbidden City are all related to 9. Well, the steps we see noware 17-and-a-half floors. That's a trick Xiao Dezhang has made. If he takes 18floors, it will surely die, because 18 is a multiple of 9. Here he takes17-and-a-half floors, which means that it is under one person and above tenthousand people. Now the house we see has a history of more than 100 years. Atpresent, it is used for Foreign Affairs Office, so let's go in Don't make toomuch noise,
Because there are still people working.
OK, let's go inside. Look at the glass above. All the glass here isimported from Belgium. All the patterns on it are pierced. The workmanship isvery fine. When you look back at this door, the wood carving is also veryluxurious. Now it's in qingwangfu
Most of the buildings we can see inside are the original ones. Let'scontinue to walk inside and come to the hall. Standing here, do you feel likethe courtyard in Beijing? From the color of the whole house, you can see thehost's memory of the color of the glass in the Forbidden City.
Directly opposite us, there are three doors, but there are five roomsinside. This is called "three bright and five dark". Now let's go outside andcome to the backyard. Here, we can see the five rooms in the light, three in thedark and five in the dark. You can count them. There are five doors in all. Hereis the room
It's a traditional way of Chinese architecture. When you look back at thesestones, they are all Taihu Lake stones, piled up like mountains. There is abridge in front of you. It's a small bridge with flowing water. Next to it aretwo lions, which means that your son and grandson will be prosperous forgenerations to come.
The following time is for you to have free activities. You can take theSightseeing Coach on the fifth avenue to visit couplets and poems at theaimengyuan culture and Art Museum on Changde Road, and the yueweixian seafoodrestaurant on Hebei road. It's a edible Museum, where are you
We can not only enjoy the rich seafood, but also enjoy the historicalrelics, stone carvings, stone statues, ancient weapons of various dynasties.Please take good care of your finances and pay attention to safety. We willgather in the car in 2 hours.
天津市五大道导游词 篇3
Hello, everyone. First of all, on behalf of Tianjin travel agency, I wouldlike to welcome you to Tianjin. I'm Yiting Chen, the tour guide,
The one next to me is our driver door master. It's up to us to serve youtoday. If you encounter any problems during the journey, please feel free toask. We will serve you wholeheartedly. Finally, I hope you can have a good timein Tianjin.
Today we are going to visit the Fifth Avenue of Tianjin. First of all, Iwould like to give you an overview of the Fifth Avenue. Five Avenue is arectangular area located in the south of Chengdu Road, north of Machang Road,east of Xikang Road, west of Machang road and Nanjing Road, Heping District,Tianjin. The total length is 17 km and the total area is 1.28 square km. Thereare 23 roads. In history, it was formed by the mud of Haihe River. It was aBritish concession in the early 19th century.
When it comes to small western style buildings, there are many in Shanghai,Qingdao and Xiamen, but in comparison, Tianjin is the most existing, the bestpreserved and the most famous. One of the important reasons is that the peoplewho live here are unusual. According to incomplete statistics, in the 1920s and1930s, two presidents of the Republic of China lived here. They were Xu Shichangand Cao Kun. Seven state premiers or acting state premiers, as well asprovincial governors, industrialists and compradors.
Today, our main tourist attractions are Tianjin Institute of foreignlanguages, yueweixian restaurant, Heping hotel, QingWang mansion, Minyuangymnasium, and other former residences of celebrities. Well, next, let's tastethe unique flavor architecture of the Fifth Avenue.
Now what we all see is a big clock with three characters on it. It's one ofthe signs of the Fifth Avenue. Today, we will take it as a starting point. Thefirst thing we visit is Racecourse road. Now, please follow me.
Machang road is the longest of the five main roads, with a total length of3216 meters. It got its name from the racecourse leading to the Britishconcession. Now, please follow me. Now we come to Tianjin Institute of foreignlanguages. Its predecessor is Beijiang Museum. Beijiang museum is the firstnatural museum established in modern times. Its founder is Li sang, a Frenchscholar, whose Chinese name is sang Zhihua. Please see, its architecture is atypical French architecture, mainly reflecting its big roof, which mainlyreflects the architectural characteristics of Mansell in France.
This small western style building in front of us, which was built in 1905,was built by British fur merchant Darwinian. This small western style buildingis one of the few Spanish style buildings on the Fifth Avenue.
Now we are in munan road. Munan road is 1968 meters long. Entering munanRoad, we first see the former residence of the famous patriotic general GaoShuxun. This small western style building is a typical British building. Themain features of British architecture are large slope, pointed roof andskylight.
Now we are at No. 4, Jinlin village, munan road. At that time, we lived inXiao Dezhang, the last eunuch in charge at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Next,please follow me. Now we come to the residence of Xiao Dezhang, No.4, Jinlinvillage. In the second year of the Republic of China, Xiao Dezhang came toTianjin with a large amount of private money and his family. He first built ahouse at No. 55, Chongqing road. Later, he gave the house to Zaizhen, king ofQing Dynasty. So Xiao Dezhang bought a lot of houses in other parts of Tianjin.This small western style house was the place where Xiao Dezhang lived when hisfamily gradually declined. Until 1957, Xiao Dezhang died here. Well, next,please continue to visit with me.
Now we come to the yueweixian seafood restaurant located at 183 Hebei road.This building was built from 1936 to 1937. Because of the bumps around it,Tianjin people call it the bumps building. The building was designed by thefamous Italian designer Paul Bonatti. At that time, it was designed as anapartment building. In Room 305 of this building, Ma Lianliang, a famous PekingOpera performer, once lived.
Now we come to sun dianying's old house at 20 munan road. At that time, sundianying robbed the tomb of Cixi in the eastern Mausoleum of the Qing Dynastyand emptied it. The stolen treasure was full of five large leather boxes. Andthey were all sealed by sun dianying himself. The building was built in 1930 andwas purchased in the name of eryitai. The whole building is a typical baroquebuilding. The key point of Baroque architecture is the facing several rope typecolumns. Next, please follow me to visit.
Now we come to Dali road. The total length of Dali road is 1745 meters, andmost of the houses on both sides are single English style buildings. Its privacyand concealment are very strong. Next, please follow me.
Now we come to the peace hotel on Dali road. It is also called Runyuan. In1951, Chairman Mao Zedong came to Tianjin to inspect his work and lived here. Inmemory of him, it was named Runyuan. Because Chairman Mao Zedong's word isRunzhi. This building was built in 1931 by Mr. Sun Zhenfang, a famousindustrialist in Shouzhou, Anhui Province. The architectural style of the wholebuilding is Spanish style. This is one of the few Spanish buildings on the FifthAvenue.
Now we come to the folk stadium. It is formed by the mud of Haihe River.The overall floor area is 41200 square meters. When the City Park Stadiumsurrounding walls and roman columns are all iron. However, when the Japaneseoccupied Tianjin in 1943, they stole all the original iron roman columns andwalls to make weapons, and later changed them into brick walls and romancolumns. In 1954, the football field of Minyuan stadium was paved with lawn, anda 24 meter high wooden light frame was set up, becoming the first light lawnfootball field in China. It used to be the home of Tianjin TEDA football team.Now what you are seeing is a renovated stadium.
Now we come to QingWang mansion at 55 Chongqing road. It was built in 1922by Xiao Dezhang, the last eunuch in charge at the end of the Qing Dynasty. In1923, Aixinjueluo Zaizhen, the fourth generation descendant of Prince Qing ofthe Qing Dynasty, came to Tianjin and fell in love with the house built by XiaoDezhang. So Zaizhen exchanged his 11 square meters of North Road in Tianjin atthat time with him. So it is said that the house here was replaced by Zaizhen.In 1924, Feng Yuxiang launched a coup in Beijing, driving Puyi out of theForbidden City. Zaizhen also came to Tianjin and lived in this palace all thetime. Zaizhen, who moved in here, enjoyed himself, smoked opium, and lived aleisurely and leisurely family life. It was not until 1947 that the 71 year oldprince IV died here. The architecture of King Qing's mansion is a typicalcombination of Chinese and Western style. The first thing we can see is that itsgate tower is a typical Western style gate tower. Its moral is that the seaembraces all rivers. Next, please follow me to visit. As soon as we enter thegate, we first see a group of tall stone steps. The number of steps is 17 and ahalf, which is meaningful. Because in ancient times, 9 is the number of Yang, 99is the number of extreme Yang, only the emperor had the right to use. At thattime, Xiao Dezhang wanted to make it level 18, but he was afraid that theemperor would blame him. So he ordered people to cut off the first layer andmake it level 17.5. And this fully shows a state of mind of Xiao De Zhang atthat time, that is, one person below ten thousand people above. Apart from theemperor, only he is the biggest. Now please follow me to the side to see themain building of the main building. Now what we see is its main building, whichis a typical Chinese style building. Now, please follow me around its backgarden. Now we come to the back garden of King Qing's residence. This garden wasbuilt by Xiao Dezhang according to the architectural style of the northerngarden. It can be called sparrow, although it is small and has five internalorgans. There are pavilions, rockeries, pools, bridges and so on. Among thewhole garden, the most amazing are the seven golden trees. It is said that thisis a tree species in North America. In late autumn, it will bear fruits likelong beans, and the surface is golden. Such a root hanging upside down on thetree, like gold bars, hence the name. During the cultural revolution, the palaceof King Qing was one of the most damaged buildings. The reason is that it hasbeen Tianjin Foreign Affairs Office since liberation. Now it has become animportant place for Tianjin's friendly exchanges with foreign countries.
In the past hundred years, the epitome of Tianjin and Tianjin is in peace.The essence of peace is concentrated in the five Avenue area. I believe that thefive Avenue tomorrow will welcome more visitors in an updated manner. In atwinkling of an eye, our journey today is coming to an end. Here I would like tothank you for your support and help in my work, and I would like to express mydeep thanks to you. If there is something wrong, I hope you can forgive me. I'dlike to leave your valuable opinions so that we can improve our work in thefuture. If fate, I look forward to meeting you again in Tianjin. Finally, I wishyou all the best and a safe journey.
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