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湖南张家界武陵源导游词 篇1









湖南张家界武陵源导游词 篇2

  Zhangjiajie, in the south of Wulingyuan, is the first National Forest Parkin China. It was discovered 70 years ago. According to legend, Zhang Liang, theMarquis of the Han Dynasty, was awed by the historical lesson of "all birds aregone, and good bows are hidden". He came to Dayong by following the example offan Dun, the Yue State in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring Statesperiod, who retired and lived in seclusion.

  Wulingyuan natural scenic spot is full of natural beauty withoutdecoration, such as strange mountains, beautiful water, dangerous bridges andsecluded caves. Zhangjiajie is known as "three thousand peaks and eight hundredrivers". In the vast forest, there are many rare species, such as Taxus,fragrant fruit, precious medicinal materials, various exotic flowers and plants,rare birds and monsters. According to statistics, the number of tree species inZhangjiajie is more than twice that in Europe. Deep in the dense forest, thevines interweave, the clear flow gurgles, beautiful and charming. Thousands ofstone peaks rise from the ground, murmuring, soaking, winding, trees and flowersall over the mountains. Zhangjiajie's mountain scenery has five characteristics:beautiful, primitive, concentrated, peculiar and fresh, which can be called"five wonders". It's "five steps for a scene, ten steps for a sky". Lu Pingyi,mayor of Zhangjiajie City, described Zhangjiajie as "three thousand strangepeaks, different peaks, eight hundred beautiful waters, charming waters,carrying the majestic danger of Mount Tai and Mount Huangshan in Guilin".

  Zhangjiajie mountain is a unique quartz sandstone peak forest Canyonlandform in the world. Thousands of stone peaks have sprung up in differentshapes, standing on both sides of jinbianxi and Suoxi valleys. The peaks aretall and straight, thickly covered with shrubs, and sometimes surrounded byclouds.

  Wulingyuan scenic spot is a multi-ethnic place. Tujia, Miao, Bai, Hui andother ethnic minorities live in harmony and form a colorful landscape paintingwith their unique and splendid culture. Wulingyuan scenic spot has been listedby the United Nations.

  The main attractions are:

  Huang Shi Zhai Yao Zi Zhai

  Huang Shi Zhai is the crown of all the peaks in Zhangjiajie, and also thecrown of all the sceneries in Zhangjiajie. It has long been said that "if youdon't go to Huang Shi Zhai, you will arrive in Zhangjiajie in vain". Huangshivillage is 1200 meters above sea level, surrounded by cliffs. Only the frontKamen and the back Kamen can lead to the top of the village. On the way toCarmen before climbing, you can see thousands of peaks in the ground, strangerocks in the forest, such as conch peak, yixiantian, Tianshu treasure box,nantianyizhu and other scenic spots. "Tianshu treasure box" is a rectangularboulder lying on the top of the peak. One end of the boulder draws out a halfsection of the cover, which is an empty box stolen from "Tianshu". On the otherhand, the spectacular view of Huang Shi Zhai is on the ring-shaped observationplatform on the top of the mountain. On a sunny day, you can see the mountainsin the distance, but you can see the white smoke in the deep of the denseforest, which is like the ghost of the demon God. Then, the columnar white smokegradually melts away, and the clouds and cloud belts rise from the mountainsideand rush to the top of the mountain, which is spectacular. After the rain, youcan have a bird's-eye view of the whole Zhangjiajie, but you can see the whitefog rising from the gorge, rolling and flying among the peaks, like a group ofdemons dancing, getting bigger and thicker. Finally, the whole Huangshi villageis submerged in the vast sea of clouds, with only a few isolated peaks floatingabove the sea of clouds. There is also the continuous barrier of mountainsaround Huangshi village, and the deep valley with exotic flowers and plants,which is quite different from Huangshan Mountain landscape; the boundless virginforest still needs people to explore.

  Yaozi village's "Overpass" is a masterpiece, known as "the first bridge inthe world". Between the two connected peaks, there is an arc-shaped door openingat the waist, forming a natural stone bridge. The height of the bridge is morethan 20 meters, and the arc length of the cave is 30-40 meters. From the stonesteps on one side of the "bridge" to the top of the "bridge" with rows ofancient pines and moss flowers on the floor, the sky wind is sharp, and theridge of the bridge is narrow and dangerous; especially when you look down fromthe other side of the "bridge", you can see that the stone wall falls thousandsof feet and is surrounded in a barrel shape, and the stone peak at the bottom ofthe barrel is like a sword or a bamboo shoot, like a green sky, which is moreagainst the high risk of the natural stone bridge. There is also a stone peak atthe bottom of the barrel, and a natural stone box is held at the top. There areseveral rhododendrons in the box, which make up the scene of the scene, which isamazing. When you climb down the "Overpass" to the top of Yaozi village, you canalso see the stone palace Castle style building naturally derived from the stonepeak. Its outline is similar to Angkor Wat in Cambodia, and some are like PotalaPalace in Tibet. The local people call it "Zhenyao qunta".

  Jin Bianxi

  Jinbianxi is known as "the best stream in the world", which is named afterjinbianyan. Jinbian rock, like a whip pointing to the sky, is golden yellow,reflecting the water stream, just like a Golden Whip waving. This is a scenicline stretching for more than ten miles, with abrupt peaks, towering ancienttrees, stone path and single wooden bridge, simple and chic bamboo buildings,dove blossoming tung trees, and strange rocks leaning over the Leaning Tower ofPisa, which are scattered on both sides of the winding stream; Mountain shadowand tree shadow are overlapped and reflected in the stream of green jade,forming a poetic and picturesque scene of "five steps for a scene, ten steps fora sky". Sometimes, the stream roars like a child playing, sometimes roars liketen thousand horses galloping, sometimes the leaves walk like the sound of apiano, sometimes steal like a whisper.

  Huanglong cave, Baofeng lake, SUOXIYU

  The southern part of Wulingyuan is SUOXIYU, and the main landscapes areBaofeng lake and Huanglong cave. Baofeng lake is a gaoxiaping Lake dammed on themain stream of SUOXIYU, with a depth of 72 meters and a meandering journey ofmore than 10 Li. Boating on the lake, you can see strange and colorful stonepeaks, with zigzag lakeshore, dense trees and plants, spreading from lakeshoreto the peak; on the top of each stone peak, curly pine props up a small greenumbrella; on each vertical wall, vines, green vines and ancient pines hangupside down, forming a "cliff green tree" spectacle. The waterfalls that can beseen one by one along the way are often cascaded and splashed with pearls andjade, just like the broken silver vase, the rising iron horse, and the sound ofshaking the valley. The light of the lake, the shadow of the mountain, the soundof the waterfall and spring make the tourists feel like they are in the yaochilake or going to Penglai.

  Below the Wulingyuan peaks are the amazing karst caves. There are 14 provenkarst caves, with 6 million square meters of stalagmites standing in the dreamyunderground world. Among them, Huanglong cave is a rare one, which is evaluatedby geographers as the epitome of the whole karst landscape in Southeast Asia.Huanglong cave has a four story cave and two-story underground river. The wholejourney is 10 kilometers. There is a 12000 square meter wide dragon palace hallin the cave, with more than 1700 large and small dragon pillars, which can becalled the first cave in China. In the center of the hall is a stalactite pillarcalled "the throne of the Dragon King". It is 42 meters high, 30 meters incircumference, 9 meters in longitude. It can accommodate five people sittingside by side. Entering Huanglong cave, you enter the labyrinth. The gorgeouscolors, the flashing light and shadow make you unable to distinguish things.There are various kinds of stalagmites, which are elegant, precipitous ormagnificent.

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