描写三峡大坝英语作文 篇1
The environmental impact of the Three Gorges Project pros and consthe ecological balance in the regulation of the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.The Group noted that the Three Gorges Project Demonstration:beneficial effects mainly in the middleincluding reducing flood damage to the ecological environmentreduce coal pollution of the environmentreduce siltation of Dongting Lake and so on.Adverse effects mainly in the reservoir areain addition to farmland inundatedchanging landscapes and large number of immigrantsthe Shang Duizhen rare speciesTail floodslandslidesearthquakesand so on terrestrial plants and animals have a certain influence.
描写三峡大坝英语作文 篇2
The three gorges dam is located in China's hunan provincethe whole project is expected to completion in 20__.The flood control and power generation function with the dam.The Yangtze river in the same period a year is always flooding.Destroyed crops and homeseven claimed many lives.Because the surface of the lakethe dam will rise by more than 100 metersand need immigrants millionsthe three gorges region of the many places of interest will be submerged.
描写三峡大坝英语作文 篇3
As with many dams there is a debate over costs and benefits. Although there are economic benefits such as flood control clean hydroelectricity and navigation there are also concerns about the relocation of people siltation loss of archaeological and cultural sites and the impact on regional ecosystem
While the country benefits from gargantuan potential of electricity generation we have to face up to various environmental conservation issues concerning geological and ecological environment along both river sides and whole upper reaches. The professional designers of the great dam now have to work out a practical way to prevent and remedy pollution effectively which has already been the focus of world attention.
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